
Friday, August 19, 2011

Hungry on the streets of Perth

August every year I fly over to Perth for the annual PBC Expo. This is the only expo that I go as our own rep for Babyland and other stores that stock our slings.
I love Perth, so it’s never a case of coaxing. It never ceases to amaze me how friendly, warm-hearted and open Perth people are, and besides their city is beautiful too!
Each year it’s the same, I get in a last minute flap organising everything for the staff I leave behind. The day I was leaving for the flight over I was at the factory before 6.30am, 10 am I raced home to finish packing my suitcase, as my stomach started to protest, realising that I hadn’t eaten anything except a few teas, a coffee and a Chai since 3am that morning.
Scoffing down 2 slices of toast I made a mental note to catch something more significant at the airport before the late afternoon flight.
Ok, that didn’t happen as I got sidetracked at a cute children’s store in the transit lounge, buying something for Little Miss Mischief. Racing towards the gate I managed to get in on time, well, I’ll get something from the in flight menu.

6.30 pm, with tummy protesting louder than it did this morning, I grabbed the menu. Hmm, the ‘Masterchef’ Salmon pie made my nose turn up and the skinny chick salad wrap was equally unappealing. I’ve had the giant cookie on a previous flight, I didn’t like that either.
I turned the menu around a few times just to check if there might have been something I had missed. I didn’t feel like Alcohol, and the coffee, I remember was enough to send shudders down my person.
Mental note to myself, don’t be so fussy, but fussy still won out so I ignored my tummy and thought, I’ll catch something at the Dome CafĂ© at the airport. They’ve always got a good selection.
Arriving at just past midnight in Perth, I ignored the rush of passengers to the baggage carousel and headed straight for Dome. Ordered Chai, as per usual, but their remaining food was on the thin, not to my taste side. Deep breath, don’t be fussy, just be pick something, anything for goodness sakes. Nah, I’ll get something at the Hotel. Collect lonely bag from carousel.

Arrive at hotel, check in, and head the long, long walk to find my room. Back tracking along the way, because suddenly the room numbers go out of sync. Criss-cross the main corridor a few times only to find it’s the very last room, in the very last nook I look in.

Head straight for the fridge in anticipation of a well stocked mini bar, chips will do nicely right about now.
Open fridge to find 3 little sachets of milk and nothing else. Stick head inside just in case I missed the spot that held the normal offerings of chips, chocolates and nuts. Nothing, zilch, zip.
Light bulb! There is always the complimentary free bickies!
Head for the cupboard that has the tea & coffee sachets, only to find just that! No bickies. For an expensive Hotel (because I left the booking rather late) this was unacceptable. No bickies, scratches head.
Light bulb! Room service! Dial for room service only to find that they closed 10 minutes before hand. This can’t be good.
Make tea using the 3 tiny miniscule sachets of milk, not that palatable, reminds me of the type of tea my mother used to make. I miss her, but never, ever have I missed the woeful tea she used to make. A splish, splash & drop of milk makes any tea a blah experience. I like mine to look like a golden-bronzed Aussie, full bodied & richly flavoured.
Grab my Mary Poppins style handbag, which always has something left over from LMM’s ‘I don’t want to carry this anymore’. Rummage neatly then turn the bag upside down to tip out its contents. Immediately regret decision, looking at the carnage on the floor. 

There it tumbles, rolling on the ground, with a glowing halo pulsating from its shiny wrapped being, a Werther’s original.
Cheesy grin erupts on face!
I don’t know how long its been in my bag, but its wrapped, so its still good according to my completely depleted stomach.
The last little sliver manages to lodge in a deep cavity that once a tooth resided. Claw at ceiling in excruciating pain till it dislodges itself with the help of a rather forceful tongue. Mental note to oneself; get over stupid fear of dentist and their horrible dose of torture, get the multitude of almost extinct teeth fixed.

Face plants the bed, complaining to no one but myself about the single cotton cell blanket that provides the only form of warmth in this cold room.
4.30am, wakes with the trumpeting pain of a stomach embarking on a full scale war!
Light bulb! All McDonalds are open at 5am in most city centres if not 24/7. Dresses, sips a black cup of tea to waken rest of body. Stomach yells at rest of body to hurry up.
Walk the darkened deserted streets of Perth City towards McDonalds. It’s a long, very cold 6-block walk, but considering that since I have given myself lately a hefty dose of ASTC (Ass Stuck To Chair) I shouldn’t complain.
Turn corner, startled by a man like figure lurking in the shadows. Jump sideways, heart goes a little further. Phew, its one of the many bronze statues that adorn the city fair.
Catch heart before it splatters on the road beside me, push back into chest and quicken the pace.
Arrive at McDonalds only to find they open at 6am. Oh joy!!
There are people around, but they look like the homeless variety.
Mental note to oneself, next volunteer work I do will be to help feed homeless people, considering they would feel like this on a daily basis.
2 young girls walk up, pyjama clad with sloppy joes thrown over the top. The 3 of us look hopelessly into the entrance of the empty McDonalds and start talking.
Half an hour later we are still pacing like protesters, when a troupe of runners dash past. One girl claps and cheers and tells them they are doing a great job, keep it up she yells out “You’re Trojans, pillars of society”
I like this girl; she’s fun even if she still has last night’s makeup caked on. I look worse, more like a walking train wreck.
Some of the early morning workers turn up. We get excited at the very soon prospect of food. The next half hour is sheer agony when the make up girl starts singing the David Jones Food Hall song “Food, glorious food” which I think was taken from the musical Oliver.
The wondrous chime of the Perth Town Hall clock heralds the 6am we were waiting for.
6.05am girls start clawing at the window, I join in to scare them into opening on time. No such luck.

6.10am girls start to slide down front glass doors, I try but my jacket gets stuck, bare of back touches ice-cold doors. Howl at the shock of it, all the while the staff continue to ignore us.

6.15am and finally, they open! Girls rush to counter first, they’re bigger & by the looks of it hungrier than me if that’s at all possible.
Manage to order a hotcakes meal, though it took 4 attempts to get the young employee to understand that I really only just wanted the hotcakes. Repeating far too many times in her very broken English “Yu wa mel” ***sigh*** Ok, I have meal then. Just give me some food already.

Sit down to eat as a homeless man walks in with a coin loot of $1.50. Employee says coffee is $2.95. I dig out coin purse to help pay for coffee but the manager waves the employee aside and gives the man a large coffee for the coins before I can get to the counter.
The homeless man sits at the table next to mine, savouring his coffee. I can’t eat the hash brown or the last hotcake so I ask him if he’d like to continue enjoying the hot, freshly baked hash brown and hotcake for me.
He smiles and nods as I hand over my no longer needed food. I’m full, take sip of coffee and nearly choke. I’d forgotten how tar like the McDonalds regular coffee is.
As if by instinct the homeless man holds out hand, still coughing & spluttering, I gladly relinquish to him the poison he seems to like so much.

I get up to go, chirping off a ‘see you later’ he winks back with a smiley “Your trip here will be very successful”, the manner of the voice not quite matching his look. Scratches head.
Skip all the way back to the hotel, stopping only to say “boo” to the statue that startled me before and a quick pit stop for real milk at the now open convenience store enroute.
Life’s happy as I enjoy a real cup of tea back at the Hotel. Find a stash of blankets in the wardrobe, which makes me feel better about not freezing to death over the next few nights.
A couple of hour’s later head off to the first day of what will be a complete sell out of Bubba Moe Slings.
Very successful Expo indeed!

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