
Monday, June 20, 2011

Moe Tie- just like a Mei Tai but with a twist of Aussie Simplicity.

When I designed the Moe Tie years ago, it was with my friend Rachel in mind.

Rachel had a serious car accident when # 2 baby was just 3 months old. Having loved the Bubba Moe sling she used for her older daughter Brooke, she couldn't use it because of injuries from the accident, but more than anything else she needed help to carry very large & heavy Declan.

 15 different ideas and prototypes were made till we settled on the current version. Moe Tie, which Rachey aptly named became a god send for her as she recuperated and until Declan had grown out of it at 3 years old. A few of her friends that, ahem, mistakenly bought parachute style carriers came knocking on the door as well, so will forgive them that.

By the time most babies are around 9 months, carrying their weight from the shoulder causes pain, stress and damage to the parent's body, then there's the standard issue hardened plastic cross brace that digs in unforgiveningly. As the designs seemed to have copied each other.
I wonder what some designers were thinking with this approach.
Golden rule! never buy a carrier of any sort that has any hard plastic parts located on the back!! Even if it professes to have "lumbar support".

Upright carriers with a hip band offer far more support but if the sashes are too thin, they will ride up into the waist and dig in further, causing loose flesh to bulge out, usually referred to as muffin top, and not offering any support at all if anything increase the downdrag even further.
A well balanced and and correctly curved sash will stay put and help support the lower back, where it is needed the most.

Most mums end up with lower back problems because of the constant over emphasis of placing baby on the hip. For Rachey, the hip sash supporting the lower back was such a comfort she sometimes wore her Moe Tie even without Declan in it.
This is why the Moe Tie is popular in its own right without marketing, without support. A lot of parents who find themselves with an out grown parachute carrier, but not an outgrown baby often buy the Moe Tie. Frugal parents that purchased a sling in the first place, won't have this problem, because the sling is a great hip carrier and piggyback carrier.
There is also the trend amongst parents to have more than one type of carrier to suit the need or occasion, which I think is quite intelligent. Why be bored?
Having a few different types of carriers, increases the longevity of baby wearing which is a bonus to everyone.
Also when siblings arrive close together, the Moe Tie for the oldest & the sling for the youngest with both parents carrying on a trip out is so sweet to see.
In Japan, sales of the Moe Tie outstrip any other carrier over there, even our slings. Keiko, our Japanese distributor, self sourced and engineered the packaging specifically for her Japanese clients. Really she is all too blame why we never seem to have enough time to work on finishing the marketing of the product here in Australia.
I have been charged with neglect over this fabulous product according to our retailer's when they ask "Is it ready yet".

18 months ago after going through so many various new packaging designs, we finally settled on one. After 3 long months of waiting for 10,000 units of packaging to arrive, the sizing was all wrong. Talking about lost in translation literally. I threw my hands up in despair and went 'mweh'.  I'll get around to it when the next Epiphany strikes.

OK! 2 months ago I decided it was time to 'reinvent' the Moe Tie, still gearing for 3 months of age and upwards (the correct physical age for upright carry). Being a very big supporter of WAHM/D's (no bias on some fab dads) I found the fabulous Bec Marr from Ruby Ruby designs  who we have commissioned, is working earnestly on all things marketing and packaging for the Moe Tie and another fantastic product that we cant mention as of yet....but soon.
I and the Crew as I call my staff are very excited and the staff think its about time that this brilliant carrier had it's time to shine. I've been busy working on some real design improvements and about to source a control group of local mums to get the final product on the shelves everywhere!.

There are still some original Moe Ties left at a great price, down $30 from original price, yet if you type in Moove the Moe in the promo code section at the checkout you will get an extra 15% on top.
 The new ones will be much more expensive than the original but still a very compatible price in comparison to others on the market, yet remarkably better when it comes to comfort and ease......

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